Parents & Students

Dress Code

At St. Martin de Porres, we promote and enforce a modest and respectful dress code for all grade levels.  Clothing is to be appropriate and respectful for the classroom. The following guidelines apply:


  • Sleeved or sleeveless shirts with an appropriate width shoulder band
  • Short pants or skirts that have enough length to have the bottom hem reached by the student’s fingers
  • Shirts long enough to be tucked in – no belly buttons showing
  • No inappropriate slogans or messages on any piece of clothing
  • No bathing suits or low cut tops


All students are asked to have a pair of inside shoes with non-marking soles and a pair of outside shoes.  No caps or hats are to be worn inside the school.

Student Behavior Expectations

Students of St. Martin de Porres School are expected to exhibit Christian behaviours in all of their daily interactions. The fostering of positive behaviours in students is an ongoing process carried out by the teachers.

This process will involve:


  1.   Specific instruction as set out by curriculum within the various subject areas 
  2.   Individual conferencing by teachers with students to reinforce positive behaviours 


We endeavour to work with parents to set clear expectations and guidelines for student behaviour. Our objective is to have students who behave in a Christian manner at all times and accept the responsibility for their academic progress; therefore, we will be promoting and administering the following in our school:


  1.   Respect Yourself
  2.   Respect Others
  3.   Respect Learning
  4.   Respect Property



Peanut/Nut Safe

Every year we have students and teachers with peanut or nut allergies. Some of these students experience life- threatening reactions. We ask that parents keep this in consideration when making lunches and snacks for their child(ren) and sending treats to school.